Kako bi osetili duh drugih kultura ne morate preći na stotine kilometara, dovoljno je da prošetate centrom Beograda.
Indian Arab restaurant je novootvoreni indijski restoran sa autentičnim indijskim specijalitetima.
Jedan od indijskih specijaliteta koji možete probati samo u Inidian Arab restoranu je Hyderabadi biryani.
Takođe, možete poruliti i dostavu ovog specijaliteta kao i druge odline arapske hrane.
Pozivamo vas da nas posetite i osetite duh Indije.
Na našem meniju su indijski specijaliteti sa inovativnim začinima i ukusima:
Indian Arab restaurant uskoro otvara i svoju baštu sa sve posetioce. Restoran je urađen u arapskom stilu i pruža jedinstevno uživanje u indijskoj kulturi.
In order to feel the spirit of other cultures, you do not have to travel hundreds of kilometers, it is enough to walk through the center of Belgrade.
Indian Arab restaurant is a newly opened Indian restaurant with authentic Indian specialties.
One of the Indian specialties that you can try only in the Inidian Arab restaurant is Hyderabadi biryani.
You can also order the delivery of this specialty as well as other dishes of Arabic food.
We invite you to visit us and feel the spirit of India.
On our menu are Indian specialties with innovative spices and flavors:
The Indian Arab restaurant will soon open its garden with all visitors. The restaurant is done in Arabic style and provides a unique enjoyment of Indian culture.