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5.0 | 3 ocena
Član 1 godinu

⁣Upotpunite sve vaše bitne događaje, proslave, druženja našom ponudom veganskih đakonija.
Ponudu prilagođavamo vašem događaju i izlazimo u susret vašim zahtevima, a nudimo slatke i slane zalogajčiće, hladno ceđene sokove i domaća alkoholna pića.
We know you’re in need of good vegan catering in this city, and we are here to help you by providing healthy bites for all your important events, celebrations or friendly gatherings.
The menu is custom made to suit your occasion and desires. We can make savory and sweet bites, offer juices and alcoholic beverages, all that in a low waste concept.

Kategorija: Vegetarijanski restorani Beograd
Podkategorija: Posni ketering Beograd
Objavljeno: 05.10.2020.
# ID Oglasa: 045990
Firma: Vegessence
Idi na vrh strane